Preparing to lead the nation, 无论是作为总统候选人还是寻求连任的现任总统, requires extensive planning on personnel, 政策, the budget 和 governance.
This transition work must begin in the midst of the presidential campaign so a new administration will be ready to govern on Day One, 这样,第二任期的总统将为第二任期的独特机遇和挑战做好准备.
The Partnership for Public Service’s Center for Presidential Transition® is the nation’s premier nonpartisan source of information 和 resources designed to help presidential c和idates 和 their teams lay the groundwork for a new administration 和 incumbent presidents prepare for a second term.
The Center provides critical assistance on organizing a presidential transition; helps career officials prepare for incoming leadership; offers guidance to political appointees on unique aspects of government management; promotes transition improvements; 和 provides guidance on second term planning.
Ready to Govern® is a series of 90-minute onboarding sessions designed to help incoming political appointees 和 federal leaders navigate a complex federal organization 和 succeed in their new roles.
Appointees can participate in up to 11 modules featuring proven content developed from hundreds of conversations with federal leaders. 这些会议由两党教师领导,由现任或前任政治任命人员和职业高管组成.
Our Ready to Serve resources give aspiring political appointees the information 和 tools needed to navigate the federal appointments process. We help prospective appointees learn about possible roles, background checks, ethics requirements, 和, for the most senior-level positions, the Senate confirmation process.
Presidents are required to fill roughly 4,000 politically appointed government positions, including more than 1,200 jobs that require Senate confirmation. Despite the importance of these jobs, 没有澳门顶级网赌网址大全谁担任这些职位的最新信息来源, which jobs are vacant or the status of Senate confirmations.
The Political Appointee tracker, run by the Partnership 和 The Washington Post, addresses this problem, shedding light on our government’s growing struggle—regardless of which party controls 国会 和 the White House—to fill key Senate-confirmed positions.
过渡实验室是一个让听众深入了解总统过渡的播客, 和 their 历史 和 place in American democracy. Episodes feature luminaries from government, politics 和 academia 和 explore topics including the origins of the peaceful transfer of power to the state of transition planning 和 execution in today’s rapidly-evolving world.
Federal agencies face a cascading series of challenges before 和 after a presidential election 和 into the early months of a new administration. Throughout the transition, the Partnership for Public Service brought together agency transition leaders from nearly 40 agencies to help improve this process.
Introduction In passing the Presidential Transition Act of 1963, 国会 explained: “Any disruption occasioned by the transfer of the executive power could produce results detrimental to the safety 和 well-being of the United States 和 its people.”
Presidential transitions can only be effective if the public trusts that the people involved will honor the results of democratic elections 和 value the need for new administrations to prepare to govern even before taking office. The Center for Presidential Transition® conducted a nationally representative survey to underst和 the country’s views on the custom of presidential transfers of power. 调查发现,56%的美国人同意,如果2024年大选由另一位候选人获胜,将会实现和平过渡. 相比之下,44%的美国人不认为权力移交会是和平的或不确定的. 公众的怀疑既是行动的呼吁,也是机会. Government leaders 和 organizations such as the Center must support public underst和ing of the importance of peaceful transitions as a critical function of our democracy.
As President Joe Biden’s administration enters its third year, 传统观点认为,管理联邦机构的领导团队将发生一系列关键变化. Some senior officials will get promoted while others will leave. 一些人在最终通过参议院冗长的确认程序后才开始工作. In the past six months, 大约230人已经得到参议院的确认,开始担任关键的领导职务.
参议院在十多年前创建了特权提名程序, a procedure designed to speed up the confirmation of nominees for roughly 280 positions that are typically noncontroversial. Despite this well-intentioned effort, 如今,特权阶层被提名者的境况比改革实施前还要糟糕.
Data from the Partnership for Public Service’s Center for Presidential Transition reveals chronic delays at nearly every step of the presidential nomination 和 congressional confirmation process—even for the national security positions that all stakeholders agree are essential to minimize threats during the first months of a new administration.
This report by the Partnership 和 Boston Consulting Group looks back at the 2020-21 presidential transition 和 offers key recommendations to improve future transfers of power. 阅读我们的调查结果并观看我们的特别报告发布活动以了解更多信息.
The Partnership for Public Service’s Center for Presidential Transition has been tracking Senate-confirmed presidential appointments since late 2016. 今年, 我们跟踪并分析了乔·拜登总统执政第一年与前三位总统的对比, examining his nominations 和 confirmations from Jan. 20, 2021, to Dec. 31, 2021.
Using appointments data from the Political Appointee Tracker compiled by the Partnership for Public Service 和 The Washington Post along with expert analysis, 本报告强调了填补参议院确认的职位以及提名和确认过程中的主要趋势.
Despite unprecedented challenges, 拜登总统见证了美国历史上计划最周密的总统过渡.S. 历史. 澳门网赌正规网址平台伙伴组织的总统过渡中心在幕后支持这一进程, providing key insights to the Biden team as it prepared to potentially take office 和 working with stakeholders across government to facilitate an effective transfer of power.